Unknown; Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group
Object Type
Organizing Documents
Though the mainstream media perpetuated a narrative of Occupy Wall Street as a disorganized and leaderless movement, this meeting agenda, in preparation for the September 17th (S17) actions, demonstrates the kind of planning and communication that was behind Occupy's direct action campaigns. The evening meeting was held at Judson Memorial Church, less than two miles north of Zuccotti, and is light heartedly titled "The Most Awesome Last S17 Monday Meeting Agenda Ever."
Image Description
This is a two-sided flyer. It uses white text on a black background. The flyer provides texts that notes "We are not trying to return to Zuccotti Park" and instead offers lessons, strategy, and ideas learned in the first two months of the Occupy Wall Street encampment. The flyer incorporates images of bodies including the outline of a human form in white; a head, in profile, in black; a body with its arms reaching upwards; and two raised fists that are shackled by handcuffs.
September 17th planning agenda, 2012; TAM.630 Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group Records; box 36, folder 11; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University