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Occupy on Wheels flyer calling for a more accessible movement
Flyer for meeting about NYPD violence Content Warning: police brutality and sexual violence
Queering Occupy pamphlet introducing LGBTQIA+ language, terms, and guidelines
"Direct Communication 1" flyer after Zuccotti Park eviction Content Warning: police brutality
Flyer for Occupy Wall Street involvement
Flyer for NYU Student walkout
Pamphlet describing NYU's ties to Wall Street
Event flyer for a dialogue between Occupy El Barrio and Occupy Wall Street
Occupier Newsletter, No.1, Oct/Nov 2011
"Welcome to Liberty Plaza" pamphlet
Flyer for a Millions Hoodies march for Trayvon Martin Content Warning: state sanctioned murder of Black individuals
Altered MTA change of service sign
Statment resisting cis-supremacy and trans-misogyny Content Warning: transphobia and cissexism
Trans-Form the Occupation flyer for Day of Trans Awareness
OWS email asking for supplies
Early Occupy flyer dated September 24th
Photograph of an individual carrying an "Occupy the Lens" sign
Two photographs of a banner that reads "Occupy Wall Street"
Photograph of a trombone that reads "Tax the Rich"
Child's illustration that reads "Don't Give Up"
A notebook page discussing logistical issues
Handout for making a proposal to the General Assembly
Handout to indicate whether or not a tent is occupied
Four-page proposal by the Structure Working Group
A tri-fold pamphlet introducing the New York City General Assembly
General Assembly statement of solidarity for Occupy Oakland Content warning: police brutality
Ramarley Graham protest flyer Content Warning: state sanctioned murder of Black individuals
Flyer for a candelight vigil in honor of Martin Luther King
Map of September 17 (S17) direct actions
Meeting agenda for September 17 (S17) actions
Tactical strategies for September 17 (S17) actions
Flowchart for consensus-based decision making
Principles of Solidarity draft
Cardboard sign requesting a coffee machine
Sign for Arts and Culture Center
Robeson High School protest sign
Office space collective agreement
Zuccotti Park reopening documentation
Carboard sign that reads "Safer Spaces: Rapists Fuck Off" Content Warning: sexual violence
Anti-racism protest sign
Posterboard listing schedule of events
Sign announcing street medics training
Prostest sign condemning the lack of justice for Trayvon Martin's murder Content Warning: state sanctioned murder of Black individuals
Poster board sign that says "Mic Check"
Surveillance van protest sign