In lieu of Occupy's struggles to meet the "day-to-day operational needs of working groups and caucuses," the OWS Structure Group produced this proposal for future organizing during the fall of 2011. This "living document" sought to address logistical challenges without altering OWS’ non-hierarchical nature. Organizers identified challenges such as access, transparency, functionality, and decision making as part of a broader effort to maintain a leaderful structure during Occupy.
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This four-page, type-script document, submitted by the Structure Working Group, offers a proposal for future organizing during the fall of 2011. Following a summary statement, there is a bulleted list of challenges identified by the General Assembly, Working Groups, and the Caucuses. The proposal is broken into the following sections: Definitions, the General Assembly, The Occupy Wall Street Spokes Council, Decisions and Decision-Making, Open Access and Transparency, The First Spokes Council, Proposed Schedule, Brief History of the Spokes Council, What Does a Spokes Council Look Like, History of This Proposal, and Questions and Concerns. The "What Does a Spokes Council Look Like" section includes a diagram of how spokes councils operate.
OWS Structure proposal, 2011; TAM.630 Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group Records; box 4; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University