The Occupier was one of many periodicals launched during Occupy Wall Street, and it is an example of the various forms of grassroots media that circulated by and about OWS during the height of the movement. The Occupier was produced by Organizing for Occupation, O4O, who primarily focused on issues of housing rights, foreclosure, and evictions—some of the chief concerns of Occupy Wall Street. These issues were exacerbated by widespread foreclosures in the United States, primarily between 2007-2010, also known as the foreclosure crisis. The foreclosure crisis was compounded by the Great Recession of 2008. Both of these events gave rise to the Occupy movement.
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A two-page newsletter called "The Occupier," authored by Organizing for Occupation, offers four articles: one describing the nature of Organizing for Occupation and what they hope to achieve; one amplifying the success of blocking the eviction of Mary Lee Ward; a third that describes the process of foreclosure and demanding a foreclosure moratorium; and a fourth that describes a wheel of participation inviting many different opportunities to join the group. Contact information and a meeting place are provided on the second page.
The Occupier Newsletter, 2011; PE.029 Printed Ephemera Collection on Subjects; box 26, folder "Occupy Wall Street (Robert Reiss Donation)"; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University