"Tax dodgers 1%" foam hand raising its middle finger
"Tax dodgers 1%" foam hand raising its middle finger
Unknown; Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group
Object Type
This blue foam hand, raising its middle finger with text that reads "tax dodgers 1%," references the major issue of corporate tax avoidance. Prior to the Occupy movement, a group called US Uncut placed a spotlight on offshore banking and tax shelters utilized by corporations to hide trillions of dollars in revenues. US Uncut and Occupy intersected over the issue of corporate greed, and many US Uncut activists joined Occupy direct actions.
Image Description
A blue foam hand, the kind of which is often familiar at sporting events and typically communicates “#1,” raises its middle finger instead. In the middle of the hand there is text that reads "tax dodgers 1%."
Tax dodgers foam finger, circa 2011-2012; TAM.630 Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group Records; box 39; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University